The original demo ran on an R Shiny server, using R Studio. The basis for this is all open source, free, and could be stood up on the council's site, which could easily be redone on the MakoLab site, given the resources to do so. One option would be to provide the examples to council members, such as Adaptive/Stardog, AllegroGraph, Ontotext, Arongo DB, Tiger Graph, Virtuoso, neo4j ... and allow them to host demonstrations using the sample data, linked from the council site, once we have created it. The work to do on our side would include (1) creating the sample data, and (2) completing requirements, so that vendors could then show what they can do with it. The goal is to help new users understand the technology better, to accelerate FIBO usage. We would be doing the heavy lifting to transform the Mizuho and other demo data to FIBO, and then other people could build on that.