ParticipatoryNote should be a subclass of the more general DepositoryReceipt in our ontology, which is in equities but is more general than that. We should consider merging this ontology (and sole class) with the DR ontology in equities and use the name participatory note, with a synonym of participation note, to cover the Indian case, including an explanatory note to that end. Its abbreviation is P-Note. See DER-121 for this.
We also have a class called loan participation note, in Debt, and the definition for that in investopedia is:
Also determined that the contents of the IROptions ontology should be merged with the ExoticOptions ontology, which includes caps and floors (see DER-120).
In addition to DER-120 and DER-121, this week, John will look into the gap we have with respect to mini-futures - see DER-117. We should also revisit strategies, which John will investigate over the course of this week.