What if any relationship is there between IndependentParty and AutonomousAgent? It makes sense that every IndependentParty is an AutonomousAgent, but that subclass relationship is not there.
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Making things simpler
Contract and ContractTermsSet
- The LOAN SMEs want the ability to directly link a contract to a single term, not requiring an intermediate ContractTermSet. However it is represented, an individual term usually/always amounts to a specification of an obligation that applies to one or both parties.
- I suggest ContractTermSet be subclass of fnd-arr-arr:Collection linked to individual terms using rel:hasMember. EK suggested as much in a comment.
- Is it ok for a Contract to have no terms? If not, then add hasTerms min 1 restriction.
- there is a restriction: [rel:hasPart only ContractTermsSet]. It is highly peculiar that a set of terms and conditions, if it had a part, that part could only be another SET of terms and conditions. More natural to say a TermSet hasMember [an individual] Term.
- Is a term of a contract text, or is it the obligation itself? This is analogous to the distinction between a creative work like “Moby Dick” vs. the specific rendition as text. The commitment is analogous to the work, the contract term is text.
Restrictions that should be min 0