6) For next week.
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JN: Show Diagrams, Show Data Dictionary, Show mapping of IRS to FIBO and some analytics. The last is where the 80 data elements come from. We could now do analytics. Show diagrams and relationships to triple store data bases. Can we go from our Glossary to a real Data Dictionary showing a map of relations.
Elisa goes back to the Spread sheet. EK: Need payment frequency period concept. CFTC: Need period and frequency. Quarterly is 3 months. FPML would say 1 year. EK: We would use a Calendar specified interval. Need Calendar day as a calendar period. Need End of year as a business recurrence interval.
DA: Where should Term go. EK: In contracts. CFTC: FPML has daily, month, year, term. EK: Term is not part of a generic ontology. DN: Say contract has a term and let inheritance drive it down.
EK: Will take some math to get this right. Need DA for this.
DN: We need termination date at the level of the contract. TC: Sometimes termination date can be projected.
Max: A bond is a negotiable loan. An IRS is an exchange of Loans. This gives the flexibility of having Loans with different values. DN: We could target this for FIBO 2.0. In the short term, just want to get the CFTC moving. Not now tie loans to IRS's. Let's talk to term.
Does EK have enough to move forward. Yes, but need to make some decisions like is term an actual date or a time period? Need to represent this properly. DN: General usage is time period. Then calculated. Let's now use a time period and then we can infer the date.
DN: Have we covered all items on the spread sheet. EK: Version the spread sheet has things that DN has deferred till later. Complete the FIBO portion for the 20170930. EK: May not have it all. Need some mocked up data for testing. Discovering inconsistencies when using data. Reporting stuff goes in after 20170930.
DN: Broader use is the target. Concepts that can be used by many. EK: We can craft some scenarios off line. Owe DA content by 25th. MU might have some generic Loans material that will help this also. Work our way through it at the contract level and at the loan level. Max and TC can help.
Max: IRS does align to Loans. DN: agree conceptually, but not now.