2. How would a user represent the listings for the same common stock and class of share on multiple exchanges?
For this purpose, we created individuals for Apple common stock, with listing individuals in the Nasdaq and London Stock Exchange. These are available in the EquitiesExampleIndividuals ontology.
3. How would a user represent multiple classes of share for the same company? For this, we have modeled the shares for Alphabet / Google.
4. How would a user map the securities that they are managing to the CFI classification scheme?
5. How would a user map the market data currently published by the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq for the common stock issued by a given issuer?
Next steps include demonstrating how to represent this information for a given listing in our equities examples, with adjustments to the ontologies as needed.
56. How would a user map the top 20-30 characteristics that banks typically track internally for the common stock issued by a given issuer?