A datatype consists of 3 constructs –
Units needed for Statistical Quantities:
- Finite population – a population for which it is possible to count its units
- Mean – the average of a set of numbers
- Total – sum of the values for some characteristic of all units
- Index – the change in some aggregate relative to the value of the aggregate at a reference period
- Ratio – result of dividing one measure by another
Statistical datatype families
- Nominal – unordered named categories
- Ordinal – nominal categories that are ordered
- Interval – quantitative data where differences between values are meaningful
- Ratio – interval data where a value of zero means absence of the quantity measured
Unit of measure – a definite magnitude, established by convention, and used as a standard for measurement (modified from Wikipedia)
Notes on Standard Deviation and Variance – see http://f3apache1/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng
Definition for Sampling Variance – see section 3.4.1 of the following Statistics Canada publication: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/12-587-x/12-587-x2003001-eng.pdf