Also reviewed Pete's open issue with respect to changing certain has value restrictions to someValues from – need to either honor his pull request or make a similar change using our standard process.
Action items
Lucy Opsitnik (Unlicensed) sent definition of "estimate":
Definition of Estimation (and estimate), from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/12-587-x/12-587-x2003001-eng.pdf, which could be a source for other needs. Estimation is the means by which the statistical agency obtains values for the population of interest so that it can draw conclusions about that population based on information gathered from only a sample of the population. An estimate may be a total, mean, ratio, percentage, etc.
Page 119 of the above document states, "Summary measures of the population such as totals, averages and proportions are typically estimated for a wide range of characteristics collected from the sample units." Elisa, this might be the most straightforward way to define estimate, as a "summary measure of a population..."
Definition of Estimate from OECD: In the strict sense, an estimate is the particular value yielded by an estimator in a given set of circumstances. (OECD glossary of statistical terms: https://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=5059).
If you send the deck with all the definitions I'll forward it to our methodology team here.