Preparing to Review Definitions and Other Annotations
Run the following SPARQL query and export it as a spreadsheet. With a bit of manual reformatting, it is in a convenient form for reviewing definitions and other annotations. It also is helpful to spot missing definitions. For example, the following file is a snapshot of the ontology as of 2016-01-4: LoansAnnotations.xlsx
TODO: generalize so that the loans URL is not hard coded, making it useful for other FCTs.
# Returns every resource of one or more specified types in the loan namespace along with their selected annotations.
SELECT ?Resource ?Type ?Def ?ExpNote ?EdNote ?UseNote ?NormRef
WHERE { ?Resource rdf:type ?Type .
FILTER(?Type in (owl:Class, owl:DatatypeProperty,owl:ObjectProperty ))
OPTIONAL { ?Resource skos:definition ?Def. }
OPTIONAL { ?Resource skos:editorialNote ?EdNote. }
OPTIONAL { ?Resource sm:normativeReference ?NormRef. }
OPTIONAL { ?Resource fibo-fnd-utl-av:usageNote ?UseNote. }
OPTIONAL { ?Resource fibo-fnd-utl-av:explanatoryNote
?ExpNote. }
"http://spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo/LOAN/LoanContracts/LoanCore/") )}
ORDER BY ?Type ?Resource