Consider option of creating ObligationToPay class with sub-classes offline and bring back to group
Action items
- Michael on Origination MU will make changes to ontology and suggest specific definitions to be reviewed.
- Michael MU will replace hasGiver/hasGetter with hasObligor/hasObligee and will make recommendation to FND
- Michael On has payor/has Payee MU will rework this example this way and propose back to the group
- Michael On Obligation to Report MU to reflect on this, make suggestion to group SEE EMAIL STING ON THIS ONE
- Michael On hasCosts MU to reflect on this distionction between the cost disclosures which are more like an offer, and the obligations that spawn from the contract
- Michael - Add hasPayor and hasPayee to ObligationToPay
- Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed), Michael - review Obligor/Obligee and Payor/Payee concepts and relationships for appropriate construction and relationships