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1) Action item review


3) Where we are on our road map. 

4) For next week.

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name20170302 FIBO FPT.docx



Action Items:

OK: Same status as Tuesday

DW to JG: Givn we are sending out publicity from the EDM Council with link to can we have something there?  JG: For now we should put something on on the EDM Council server and Jacobus can forward things from there.  This can be in the wiki space. This would be a temporary home page for with a welcome message.  Done during the call.


DW:  Also is this on the root, of  test/fibo or even for /test.  JG: For now whatever is after the slash forwards to this wiki page (so I presume this means we can put /test and so on, and that would also forward).

Wiki "tiny link" URI sent to JG for him to forward all traffic to to this wiki URI

See link above.


As soon as we are ready withthe actual publication then JG will remove the forwarding and see the real thing.


ACTION:  JG: Saturday.


JG progress on the CL action: Has made some progress in thinking about this, will meet up with Tony and Stefano to discuss the CL.


The action on the /test URI - will be the exception to the redirection rule. The /test will forward to some directory somewhere. TBD.


RDF ToolKit Version 1 - is this ready for Release?


JG there are open issues, these would need to be moved out of that. Move the remaining issues to Release 2 or further down the road in the Issue Navigator.  DW Edited each open issue to change the target version for the fix. Moved to rdfkit 2.  There are now no open or in Progress issues for the current version.  They are all in version 2. 


RDF ToolKit 1.0.0. Released!


Where can this be downloaded, such that we all see it in the same place?  Should be in JIRA somewhere.  This arrangement will also be used with each FIBO product release, where JIRA creates release notes automatically.


We can then put this information on the website. People can click on links for a given issue and see the whole discussion behind the change.  Release page distinguishes between bugs and tasks. This is configurable so we can define our own kinds of tasks e.g. tests, user stories and so on. These become categories of issues.  Releases is a menu option when a user goes in. Usually Issues, but you can navigate to Releases. Some users e.g. Dean will have an icon-only version of the left hand navigation pane.  Also


Are the release notes generated by GitHub commits or JIRA?  That is the plan. They must be in synch..


So for ontology, we should consider task types that relate to technical matters versus ones that relate to business content, so that people can view the kinds of issue relevant to them.




ACTION:  EAK: Task "Help build the artifact ontology"


Has started on user stories. Will complete this next week.


DW: Marian Radu wants to use the Vocabulary. Has questions. DA is monitoring this. When we publish the FIBO Vocabulary (SKOS), do we have this nailed down adequately?  Marian wants to browse FIBO-V and look at content. Pool Party have offered to host this, So he needs access to the PP server.  For us - this is a routine thing people will want to do. How will we handle that?


Christiann, for Radu needed to know if they are allowed to make this public. DW has answered this. Awaiting Christiaan's answer on warnings from PP about the size of the thing.


DW: Meanwhile do we have our own process nailed down both in terms of where it lives now in GitHub and how we publish it on  Right now it is on the wiki. The framework described in the Releases map includes how we put this on - also if we decide to give unrestricted access to this, then we would put it on a place on spec. where it is available to the public.


Where on the wiki is it now?

DA: the Jenkins job builds the thing, then DA plucks it out of there and then does by hand what the publishing thing will do i.e. download and put on the wiki. this process will go away since the publish process will produce this file and move it to the right spot in - this is what lives in the box called Vocabulary on the Roadmap.

This tasks requires that we add a shell script that runs the right thing and puts it in the right place. The rest of that blue box is done.


ACTION:  DA to put a summary of that on the Roadmap page as a comment.


The 2 actions on JG are now 2 new JIRA issues.




DA update on FIBO Master

Had a nice talk with Elisa. Went through all the modules in FIBO Master (nearly all) and made decisions on ones we want to remove before we publish FIBO Master. Most of these are in the Ext modules and ontologies. DA has worked out a process to do this. Also removes Lattice and other UO stuff. This is an automated process but takes time to execute.  Also has hygiene test to identify if anything bad happens when this is done.


Orphaned classes - identifying when pulling anything out creates more orphans.

If an orphan was ever in Pink there would be something bad. We don't expect this (MB: the nature of the CCM model is such that this can't happen).  This should be available for tomorrow (3 March)



Action items