The PoC on our side entails creating an FRB Thesaurus for Regulatory Reporting that is based on FIBO where it makes sense. Ultimately we would like this thesaurus to be evolved into a FRB Regulatory Reporting Ontology – an open source ontology for government, banks, and vendors to collaborate.
The goal is to share a read only view of the fibo skos vocabulary and get feedback for collaboration. Something like skosplay. BTW we’ve tried skosplay and it failed loading – maybe your updated version can be uploaded to skosplay.
To be able to jointly (Bank of America, EDM Council, and other vendors) develop a regulatory ontology based on FIBO we need the ontology admin rights capability turned on. We cannot open Bank of America on premise PoolParty instance.
Will also provide links to dependent ontologies
Ellie: why not use rdf-xml, JG ttl is superior, reasoner has been built in tool-kit. Ellie: can we query the toolkit ttl?
JG: Demonstrating the comman-ontology.ttl
JG to Ellie - please add more detail such as object properties
Three ontologies discussed Rdf-toolik, command and artifact
JG No! should be one file. JG: every artifact and related file must be delivered to a customer along with all of the appropriate metadata such as links etc. Ellie: need to define relationships between artifacts
DECISION: Artifact Ontology is one file with links
Modules vs ontologies - modules somewhere between domain and ontology. OMG has modules, we only have domains and sub domains. JG is asking MB what he means by a Module
Omar - mock up builds: Omar - created script for syncing Git with Stardog
Tested with Pizza ontology. Demonstrated a change commit. showed updated JIRA
Omar: Is there credentialing to be added?
JG: showed that everything FIBO Master is already published on Jenkins
Omar: link script to FIBO-Publish in Jenkins And Confluence
DW: working on user interface other than CL
JG: Omar has alternative publish outside of toolkit. Value in Stardog, but how fits publish objective
JG to Omar: loading Stardog doesn’t have any role in publishing. Stardog is offline FIBO storage
DW: We need to be able to publish to Where are we doing that?
JG: toolkit components and assignments to produce
Ellie will take RDFkit-68 and get it done
JG - 70 is done. 69 is done. Updating backlog in JIRA. Reviewing JIRA Issues to do
JG: most should be moved to another version, not critical now
DW: Didnt Tony fix 64?
Tony: not an issue JG close
DW: what do we need to do a demo? DW: demo the publish button
Omar: should be able to put something together for a demo, with some hard coded html, just something in the workspace. Omar: framework of bare minimum
JG: do some sparql quires from Stardog, domains, etc.
Omar queries from version control
DW: Dean finished FIBO Master and will put it in the FIBO Master Council. Ready at about B+. All work now goes against FIBO Master now - for real
DW: How do we keep in sync - need to work that out. DN wants a meeting to work out sync
Omar will work through Dean's FIBO-Master into Stardog
JG add Brendon Offer to team - good at websites and sparql. BO work with Omar
Omar: will be a challenge to get to the conference with demo.
JG: good to have description of what is necessary on website - user stories for the website. What is expected on website?
MA should come up with use stories. DW: may not get from him
DW: really looking to see what Omar comes up with.