DW: Where did we end up on Elie's diagr? There were some changes to that relating to the role of FCT, which EAL will adjust for. Also there are other parts of the process that MB discussed with the OMG crowd last week, along with additional elements for the process to be discussed with Jim about finer option choices. MB will come up with initial ideas / proposals on that process by next week. Has already uploaded the OMG deck.Informative slides on process etc./wiki/spaces/FPT/pages/8918526
DW: Next - what we expect to have for EDW. We still have no Welcome page. This is for initial HTML navigation. BNY were to help with that. JG will ask that person today. JG sees 2 things: 1. ontology versionIRIs - this has to be done first. JG will do this using a thing. 2. when that is done can start beautifying those pages. Also (3) TC can help with, from those, getting to the other serialization formats e.g. JSON-LD.
EDW next week we have an FLT next Thursday. We need to have the process hammered out. Need a decision from Mike A about how to transfer the permissions from GitHub into EDM Council.51DW did go through many INTFRA JIRA issues yesterday. Where did we get to with Single Sign-on for http://spec.edmcuoncil.org? JL we offered to have a common LDAP server for Teamwork Cloud and Collaborator, but there was a question whether both of those supports Open-ID. The answer was not yet. JG https://www.atlassian.com/software/crowd DA also when you look at the GitHub and other stuff, that's possibly not compatible with LDAP. DW: This was all 6 months ago, has anything changed? See the Atlassian Crowd product per the above link. Might the be able to use this for the EDM Council web permissions side of things as well. DA that does not solve the problem of CCM. DW there are 3 problems. Public path for all EDM Council members, for http://spec.edmcoucil.org - those working with the public side should have a happier path than needing to understand GitHub (to date, we have given GitHub access to all the EDM C members who needed access.) Will still need GitHub for those smaller percentage who would be working with GitHub. Also there is the visibility of the business content per Collaborator, which will be covered on MB new slides. We need to be aware of the range of things need to people know.
Action items
- Jim Logan (Unlicensed) Mike Bennett Elie Abi-Lahoud (Unlicensed) to consolidate diagrs into a single operational governance diagr for review and acceptance. MB to present to this group which each option is and have the FPT sign off. Timeline for action - MB will have something for EDW.
- Dennis Wisnosky read and review spedc…… and send a new version to JG from this, or ask him to copy it form the wiki once it's updated.
- Dean Allemang to build that out and push into GitHub.
Jira Legacy server jira.edmcouncil.org columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key INFRA-146