If one property is a sub of another, then the domains (respectively ranges) should not be subClasses in the opposite direction. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edmcouncil/fibo/master/etc/testing/hygiene/testHygiene2.sq
Labels and Defintions
Every Class and Property defined in FIBO must have an rdfs:label and a skos:definition definition https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edmcouncil/fibo/master/etc/testing/hygiene/testHygiene4.sq
Ontology Metadata
Every Ontology defined in FIBO must have a rdfs:label, sm:copyright, dct:license, dct:abstract abstract https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edmcouncil/fibo/master/etc/testing/hygiene/testHygiene5.sq
Definition Format
The definition is made up of one or more full sentences, beginning with an upper case letter and ending with a period.