- FinancialInstruments – current in GitHub in FBC/FinancialInstruments, need to relate instruments to the currency they are defined in and test with individuals, review definitions based on inputs
- FunctionalEntities Module – current in GitHub in FBC/FunctionalInstruments, includes AboutFunctionalEntities, FinancialIntermediaries, Markets, RegistrationAuthorities, RegulatoryAgencies, and BusinessRegistries, stable for the time being, with tweaks to FinancialIntermediaries anticipated, especially to cover EU entities and based on feedback and individuals
- ProductsAndServices Module – current in GitHub in FBC/ProductsAndService, includes AboutProductsAndServices, ClientsAndAccounts, PaymentsAndPaymentSchedules, ProductsAndServices, relatively stable for the time being, may need the addition of a BankingServices ontology