1) Use Case reminder
6) For next week.
Elisa 50 or so properties with no labels and some number with duplicate labels. Dozens of duplicate properties remaining in FIBNO Dev. Should get rid of all .ext onto. None should be brought back into main FIBO.
DN What does Elisa mean? Dean Provisional is what is ref material. Ext is informative that provides context for meaning. EK and DA do not agree with MB that Ext should be kept. Should all be eliminated. Pete there are just 17 in non FND. FND has 75.
EK walks through what should be eliminated. Much is either redundant or not useful. Has been doing this work slowly but surely. No more in SEC. Some exists in Debt FND. Also moneyMarkets.
John Nowlin CFTC gets an ownership and control report. EK That would be nice to have as the use cases are worked. Need to support real use cases, not imaginary use cases. OTC Master Deritivits Ono is good. Much of others can go away. If nothing will use what is there should be killed off.
DN to Dean Can we write a SPARQL to see what is actually used? DA yes, but needs some person decision making. Can eliminate the obvious. This was done. Others need to be modeled to do disambiguation. EK Need to know what is used and why are some things there when it is not obvious why?
DN Can't we just spend a couple of weeks to focus only on weeding out what could be eliminated? EK want to do this. But, this does require discussion. Pete, we can easily deal with the 17 that are not FND. The 67 in FND can be perhaps eliminated.
EK FBC-160 has much that has been done that is necessary for CFTC. BE also has this work also that has been accomplished. Changes there and in other places used on the GLEIF data. FND, IND. Added Market Data onto by combining 3 into one. DN A tremendous amount of work was done. Biggest accomplishment was the ability to represent the LEI. It is all in FIBO Master now.