- David Newman
- Dean Allemang
- John Bottega
- Amber Gray
- Leia Dickerson
- Monique Williams
- Nick Nick Weeks
- Andy
- John Nowlin
- Pete Rivett
1) Use Case reminder
6) For next week.
Leia Dickerson talked about the use case in GAO for their fraud/risk framework, providing an ontology as background for use in their work. They shared a high-level use case for putting the ontology together, as well as a tool that would be available for people to use, to understand fraud in the various programs that they are involved in. The content covers information that they want to make available to organizations for helping them understand fraud, how to avoid it, what its impact is, and so forth. Usage would include a high-level recommendation system to provide information to users based on their inputs.
We then attempted to answer some of their questions - Elisa will email some overview slides, the ontology guide, and a sample use case to Leia at the end of the call.
Next week we will return to our regular DER agenda.