1) Use Case reminder.
6) For next week.
Proceedings: View file name 20160405 FIBO-FND FCT.docx height 250
20160405 FIBO-FND FCT
FCT's support review: BE will have some synchro issues re county and corporation. FBC Quantities. IND ordered sets and collections. Loans many things - see interactions page in the Wiki. Securities nothing new.
Slide 11 Anti-Patterns report focused on 103 unexplained error classes. Other biggest issue is Disjoints.
Slide 16 - JIRA Triage of 16 FND issues. Max and John caution on not including metals as money amouts. FBC has similar terms. All this is a starting point.
Slide 17 - Priorities: Reopened FND-11. FND-29 HIGH PRIORITY. FND-42 Done. BE will have changes, but not related to FND.FND-17 Close. FND-33: Fix WRT FBC. FND-34: Needs more work. Add a union of physical location and facility. FND-36: From Loans-31. FND-41: Issue on restrictions. Needs to be done, FND-45 Closed. FND-47: Must be fixed along with REA. FND-48: ignore for now. FND-53: Must be done. FND-54: Do work for FIBO-Loans.FND-56. Done.
Sets and Collections: Are they different. Rob did homework and put link in "reference materials". In collection the relationship is not specific. Sets have both the membership and the relation. Jeff Braswell: from my summary of the loan meeting, a follow-on assessment of collections versus sets was assigned, and distinctions between a) the generic type and nature of a contract term that constitutes all manner of provisions, obligations and stipulations in a financial contract, and b) the more specific and financial instrument-related parameters that govern the timing and sequencing of operational events over the life-cycle of a financial instrument contract: principal and interest payments, repricing (frequency, index, spread, lifetime and period caps), stages and phases (teaser rates, interest-only periods, step-ups and other schedules), pay-off (prepayment) rules, interest basis calculation, late fees, etc. Also, a tie-in to the similarities to the document / information distinctions (physical manifestation of document media versus the informational content of documents), and the fact that contract document can refer to other document types that are either required, linked with, or included in the entire contract. Was observed to have some relevance to the concept of sets or collection of contract terms. For example, that there can very well be more than one set of contract terms organized in multiple collections that are relevant to different sections of the contract or financial instrument behavior. It was also discussed that there is nothing preventing certain contract terms to be individually stipulated at the root level of the contract and others to be contained in some (potentially more than one type) of set/collection of contract terms.