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- Gareth Isaac (Unlicensed)
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1) Use Case reminder.
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20160125 FIBO-SEC FCT
Today is SEC. Elisa is working on the SEC plan. FBC will be next week. Today the focus is Securities Identification.
Elisa is begging for review of ontolgies uploaded last year. No comments at all todate. Elisa and Richard are working to integrate ISDA schedules from FIBO-FND. Must cover Dividend schedules and others necessary. David Saul may have people who can review this. He will make contact.
MB and Elisa has action to look at Party issues. MB and Mike Pool have 2 other actions.
Elisa walks through Securities Identification - Security Identifier in Protege. Needs help with definitions. Current definitions are not adequate. Need to add to words and identify sources and examples, etc. Does not exist now. Same with Security Identification Scheme. Needs help.
Listed Security Identifier MU - if there is a listed security and it has an identifier, it automatically becomes a listed security identifier. EK - goal is to infer where security is listed from the identifier. MU - don't need subclasses to do this. EK - need to verify if this is true. Exchange-Specific Security Scheme may be the answer.
National Numbering Agency Identifier may be necessary. Need to look at ISO6166 and decide. Looking at FIGI may help also. David Saul - sat on a call discussing exactly these questions. He can help based on conversation on ISN, FIGI and others. EK - BBBIG and Ric Codes and QSIP and ISN and FIGI all may or may not be relevant to FIBO. E. G. National Numbering Agency Identifier may be part of some of these.
Proprietary Security Identifiers also exist and may or may not be important to us. And there are miscellaneous properties that Banks must help on. This is really a small ontology at this time.
Elisa has most of the securities ontology running in Protege, but not all. Needs banks to think about which individuals are important and let her know how much is needed. She will post existing Onto in to GitHub in Pink. What do Banks want to know about each security identifier? Provide use cases or competency questions.
David Saul - SS does have material that may be able to be shared with Elisa. He will go through SS protocol about release. Elisa is asking for email of the material.
Pls look at the SEC Homework slide. Dec 16 2015 SEC meeting notes has useful info
Elisa shows how she uses SourceTree. She will load all of the SEC ontos using SourceTree for the SEC FCT to use. It imports all FND and IND and about, and catalog files that will enable Protege to load all of these files. This will all be in GitHub for the Team.MU - asks that when the work on schedules is done, please keep in mind what Loans needs. Elisa says this should be in FND under MB.
SEC homework has 5 action items for 8 Feb. SEC and FBC wikis have the meeting schedules. Will be updated to March Reston meeting. Elisa is asking for a face to face meeting in Reston the week of March 14th. Pls come to this meeting. Plan for Wed March 16th. FBC will focus on Debt next to support the start of the Bonds FCT. Prioritize Debt over Equities to support Bonds and Loans.