1) Use Case reminder
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20180827 FIBO SEC FCT
FBC: MarketIdentifier...MIC code in place.MIC codes identify exchange, not a market (whatever that is). Proposal to deprecate Market (part of MIC ticket)
Segment/Operating (S/O) code shall be captured as value for hasOperatingOrSegmentsIndicator54 re-review of debtFinance.rdf: DebtFinance class: looking at usage
MoniesOwing as well:Former: only one reference, second, nothing. Propose deleting both.Relate these items to SEC-5502
DebtInstrumenetsGuaranties.rdf: clear out duplicate properties; move LetterOfCredit to Debt Instruments;
BondInsurance: to Bonds.Nothing in this ontology is in use anywhere, but the concepts seem legit in many cases. We will throw the concepts to a better place, e.g., loans post-clean up, remainder of file to be merged into LoanGuarnaties.rdf
SEC-58New JIRA issue
SEC-59: clean up Debt Issuance....much of it will likely go away. a few items should be retained and moved.
DebtCashflowTerms.rdf: much of it should be in BondCashflowTerms. Much of the rest should likely go away.We need to look at the individual items to determine usage. Looks like some should end up in Loan as well.
SEC-60Issue to move ParticipationNotes to Asset Backed...clean up as well: Participation Note = Loan Participation Note
SEC-61LoanParticipationNotes.rdf exists as well---not clear why both? This appears to be duplicative and merged into other..supplement.
SEC-61 with notes.
SEC-62: TermDeposits needs to move.
Traded Short Term Debt: should be merged in debt instruments. Likely just moved up a level to live under Debt.
REPO: needs clean up as it references items that are duplicative. Also should be prompted up to either be a thing under Debt or merged into Debt Instruments. SEC-63 captures issue.
SEC-65 Rename Asset Backed to Asset Backed Securities.