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1) Use Case reminder




6) For next week.

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name20180910 FIBO SEC FTC.docx

20180910 FIBO SEC FTC


Discussion of exchange codes and walk through of complications with exemplar: NYSE has ownership relationships that are odd (and not well captured in the industry)


Walk through of Pete's email around Market Identifiers.


Open issue: need the thing and the identifier for the thing (or things as the case may be). Currently we only have the identifiers. Addressing this requires adding subclasses of Exchange.


Operating level and Market level exchange as children of Exchange.


Abbreviation is currently only an annotation, we need it as a dataTypeProperty.  Should be added higher up the food chain than here. Probably Foundations.


ACTION:Trading Platform, Non-regulated Market, Trade reporting facility. See if real. If real, need definitions.


ACTION: Multilateral and Organized trading facility: are they children of Trading Platform?


ACTION: Need definition of Systematic Internalizer? Is this a kind of exchange?



Action items