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6) For next week.


Latest version of notes on the bonds ontology from John Tierney are available - 

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nameComments on FIBO - 20190910.docx

Continued walk-through of bonds this week.  In addition to addressing John T's notes, eliminate Strip Bond being a subclass of PrincipalOnlyStrip, since there are also InterestOnlyStrip s.  It should be a child of Strip instead.

We should introduce a disjointness between sovereign bond and muni bond; A T-Bill should be both a money market instrument and a bond - see the notes attached for the bonds aspect of the definition.

MunicipalBond - usage needs to be there, should also be a child of legal document; make sure we also have something that links a muni bond to the source of funds, which could also be a statement, but not 'public purpose'.  Should also be linked to an escrow account which is reduced as the government withdraws the funds raised through the bond.  There is also collateral involved, which should be linked to the bond (to reduce risk, although it could be something silly like 'the Brooklyn Bridge').

Eliminate property hasEntireOrPartialCallChoice; turn other properties into verbs; eliminate other duplication as appropriate, such as with Obligor

Elisa will set up an ad hoc call for Friday am, 7:30 am pacific to 8:30 am pacific to review updated ontology and determine whether or not to release it, 9/20, and invite everyone who participated plus Richard Beatch.  Send updated files (just those that have changed) to both Johns so that they don't have to download them from GitHub.  Also send to Jeff.

Additional notes from the chatlog:

John Gemski (to Everyone): 9:09 AM: From Investopedia: A sovereign bond is a debt security issued by a national government. Sovereign bonds can be denominated in a foreign currency or the government’s domestic currency; the ability to issue bonds denominated in domestic currency tends to be a luxury that most governments do not enjoy — the less stable of a currency denomination, the higher the risk the bondholder's faces.

Pete Rivett (to Everyone): 9:11 AM: where do bonds issued by a state such as California fit?

Answer to Pete is under muni bond.

John Gemski (to Everyone): 9:19 AM: Treasury bonds (T-bonds) are one of four types of debt issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to finance the government's spending activities. The four types of debt are Treasury bills, Treasury notes, Treasury bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). (Investopedia)

John Gemski (to Everyone): 9:41 AM: Obligors are needed for Industrial Revenue Bonds -- a type of Muni Bond.


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