1) Use Case reminder
6) For next week.
This week we reviewed the results of integrating the situation lattice pattern with entity ownerships relations in BE. Questions came up around the terms 'actor' and 'undergoer', which are the class names for the roles involved in the new situation class. There are many linguistics papers that discuss those roles - see, for example, terminology for semantic 'macroroles', at https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c6a0/12c85c7e7d69a92d7e361ba10e22f4b8c079.pdf.
We also learned from Jeff Braswell that there are a number of additional relationship types, using the relationship record structure added recently to the GLEIF that will begin to be used in the data over the next 6-9 months which these relations should support. Jeff will follow up with a link as time permits. Some of these apply to funds, which we need to integrate to dovetail with some of the work we are doing on preferred shares.
Next week we will review some of the other 'dangling' properties for control in BE that need to be hooked into the lattice as well as continue our work on the preferred share structure for the CFI codes.