Continued discussion of preferred shares with dividends from last week. Decided to add two subclasses of PreferredDividend, including FixedRateDividend and AdjustableRateDividend, where the fixed rate one would have a some values from has fixed dividend rate, and the adjustable rate dividend would have a some values from adjustable rate benchmark, then the two classes of preferred shares should be linked to the appropriate dividend class. Added both the preferred share classes and preferred dividends during the FCT working session.
We determined, once this last set of changes was done, that we have made sufficient progress to warrant checking the results in to github. Elisa will make the remaining refactoring changes to eliminate the dependencies on debt in the equities ontology, and then check the results in under SEC-73. We still need to add the relevant CFI codes and determine whether or not there are remaining gaps, but we're "closing in" for preferred shares.
Also, took another look at derivatives structurally. Currently, we have derivatives classified by asset class first, and secondly by type of instrument. The suggestion is to reverse the structure, so that it is first by instrument type, for example swaps, and secondly by asset class. Thus, all of the various swaps would be together, rather than scattered around.