1) Use Case reminder.
6) For next week.
Slides from this week –
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The discussion this week focused on a couple of areas: (1) remaining work required to have a fairly general model of economic indicators, which we are "close to having", and (2) review of the draft representation of employment and unemployment concepts. We reviewed some of the ways that one might further classify the household population details, such as by age, gender, race, and education status. We also discussed the definition of civilian noninstitutional population, which Dan has requested input from colleagues on. The question with respect to whether or not police and fire department employees are non-civilian were put to bed based on review of definitions available on the BLS internal web site – in the US, non-civilians are active duty military only. We need to confirm whether or not this is also the case in Canada, but for the time being will differentiate in the model between civilian and military, with the definition of military as "active duty" only.
With respect to regional vs. national differentiation in the reports, the OMB/OIRA web site in the US provides the source for definitions related to geo/msa (metropolitan statistical areas – see https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/inforeg_statpolicy for several classification schemes relevant to FIBO in this regard and with respect to classifications for race and ethnicity, NAICS/SIC codes, occupation codes, etc.).
We agreed to eliminate the distinction between target population and survey population, and to use the term "statistical program" rather than survey, as a given program may consist of some number of surveys and analyses of information available from other agencies as well as more generally on the web from trusted sources.
With respect to the definition of population, we agreed that the parent class for statistical population should be statistical universe, with the differentiators for statistical population being time and geography. The ontology should be revised to reflect this and the other changes mentioned above.
The definitions for employment rate and unemployment rate should reflect the other definitions in the hierarchy: the unemployment rate is the unemployed population / labor force. We also need some number of additional data types for representing statistical information, including but not limited to ratio, percent (needs to be fixed in BT), rate, index (need definition for this, to see how it corresponds to what we have), total, average/mean, and percent change.
The definition in the US for civilian noninstitutional population, from BLS, is:
Civilian noninstitutional population (Current Population Survey)
Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 States and the District of Columbia who are not inmates of institutions (for example, penal and mental facilities, homes for the aged), and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.
Note that we need a better definition of "institutions", which may include university dormitories. Also, note that this does not include territories such as Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., although they may be covered in other statistical programs. Thus, we need the context of the statistical program for these definitions.
The BLS Glossary is available at: http://www.bls.gov/bls/glossary.htm.