- Pete Rivett
- Michael Atkin
- Dan Gillman (Unlicensed)
- Tahoe Blue
@Chris Hayes, Bank of America
1) Review Market Indices Use Case reminder
2) Where we are on our road map.
3) Open Action Items
4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/IND/issues/IND-17?filter=allopenissues
5) Todays content discussion.
6) For next week.
Action items
2) Define the components of market indices
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11:41 AM: EuroStoxx spreadsheet and mind map have been added to "market indices reference material" on Wiki
11:43 AM: Competency questions have been restructured. Add a business justification to the competency questions
11:45 AM: Corporate action events are a significant issue to address. Lots of actions. Some applied to the entity and some applied to the instrument
11:48 AM: Action: EK to send Jeff Braswell the competency questions and mind map
11:49 AM: Most CA events are created by manual processes (from press releases) and applied to specific stocks
11:50 AM: CA is a flow of data from many sources (reference ISO 20022 message types). Karla McKenna is an expert and might be a good reference.
11:52 AM: If we are not doing "pricing" and "corporate actions" - the objective is how to represent the nature of "things" (entities and instruments) to create a baseline for market indices
11:54 AM: Represent "what indices are" (not everything to make it operational). The "what it is" piece is our initial objective
11:59 AM: Evaluate basket indices ontology as the first step (what is a market index)
12:02 PM: Open question of whether to organize this around the concept of a basket of securities vs around the securities themselves
12:05 PM: Ability to reuse the concept of a basket and mixed basket (within indicators)
12:07 PM: The concept of basket - can also applied to derivatives (not just securities and indices) - broaden the definition to capture contractual relationships
12:25 PM: Action: Chris Hayes to review the competency question expansions to determine if they have been expanded correctly
12:27 PM: Concept of entitlements - indexes are subject to contractual restrictions and payment requirements. This needs to be included in the ontology
12:32 PM: If an index is used as a benchmark - it is subject to a different set of contractual requirements
12:35 PM https://www.esma.europa.eu/policy-rules/benchmark
Action items
- Elisa Kendall - send competency questions and mind map to Jeff Braswell
- Chris Hayes - review the expansion of the competency questions (are they correct)