FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Agenda_042816.doc
6) For next week.
Continued review of LoanAnnotations file HMDA terms, definitions, and OWL relationships.
FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Minutes_042816.doc
LoansAnnotations-FreshCopy- Integrated_review04282016_team update.xlsx
ChatLog DW FIBO Reoccurring Meeting 2016_04_28 17_06.rtf
Remove ConformingLoan and ConventionalLoan as classes
Action items
Michael: Remove ConformingLoanContract and ConventionalLoanContract as classes
Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-52
- Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed): Review existing definitions for overly specific mortgage language. Create generic and HMDA specific instances.
Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-53