The mapping provided, below, includes only those ACTUS terms that apply to the contract, and excludes those terms that are ACTUS processing related, i.e., those that are not applicable to any given contract but are used to determine things like the perspective of the ACTUS user, such as controls.
Principal Repaid at Maturity (PAM)
Table 1 provides the expanded definitions, with acronyms resolved, for all of the ACTUS terms that apply to a contract whose principle is repaid at maturity.
Group | ACTUS Term | Definition | Valid Values | Default Value | Acronym | FIBO Element |
Principal Repaid Periodically (ANN)
Table 2 provides the expanded definitions, with acronyms resolved, for all of the ACTUS terms that apply to a contract whose principle is repaid periodically.
Group | ACTUS Term | Definition | Valid Values | Default Value | Acronym | FIBO Element |