DN has an issue to add, not yet in JIRA. Introduce annotation at the element level (at least in FIBO-V, maybe other) to identify the lifecycle state of the element. e.g. Contract is in Green in OMG; a new version of Contract might be in Yellow or Pink. This is something everyone using FIBO for data stewardship will need to know. Wells using Collibra, loading FIBO-V into Collibra, need the state of the element in its lifecycle. PR not sure you can do this at the element level, but at the ontology level. If you have 2 things already in green and you add something that changes the relations between those existing items e.g. an equivalent, then you can't usefully track it at the element level, needs to be at the ontology level. DW this is part of the action on JG and DN on tracking the maturity levels. Is on the agenda for Tuesday.
Action items
- Dean Allemang Anthony Coates work out how the RDF ToolKit enable FIBO developers to automatically on demand generate the catalog files and prevent those who are not authorized from doing the same.
- Dean Allemang document current state of how catalog files are generated. Will update this when the S3 comes in, and so on. Dean Allemang jacobus.geluk@gmail.com [X] DA and JG will continue to maintain this going forward. This will be in the Hosting task in the RDF ToolKit Roadmap Wiki. (S3 v nGenix) which will be an evolution.
- Dennis Wisnosky will look for # / policy and task Michael MU to add it to the Policies place. Or create one if it does not exist.
- Dennis Wisnosky kptyson reach out to KT about joining this call next week if possible.