EK haspercentageControl is the FIBO BE property. More work to do in BE. May need to add another property. Pete has a number of relationship types already. Jeff whether shares or control should be able to be calculated. Happy to work with Pete to show the direction that the GLEIF is going. Actual ownership types will not be done this year. Pete if people are reporting # of shares owned, is the total # of shares reported? Jeff No! Sometime in the future. Depends on the regulatory board. Should triangulate with Open Corporates. Pete Yes have been. Open Corporates does not have the LEI information even tho they run Open LEI. Jeff, they do internally, but they have a revenue model that keeps them separate externally. Pete Makes it difficult to work with. Jeff uses a statistical frequency approach that mostly works.
Action items
- Dennis Wisnosky Take the broken image out of the Developers Guide.
- Dean Allemang Create a JIRA issue, do the coding and initial a Pull Request to do the steps discussed automatically.
- Dennis Wisnosky Add this to the next DER meeting agenda.