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Action items

  •  Elisa Kendall  EK must make a change. DW asks Jeff to write down how this works. USI is not a subset of the UTI. UTI is for the actual transactions as they occur. JN There could be multiple transactions with the same USI. DN Do we need more words to make this more clear? Jeff There is some ambiguity among the very people who wrote these rules. Best to "wait until the dust settles". Transaction is more general than trade. Tahoe Blue  to check Elisa's work. Needs to have a min 0 restriction. Leave instrumentIdentifer as it is. Make it clear that instrumentIdentifier is not a contract identifier. This is JIRA DER-32. FROM Jeff Braswell: All swaps reported to the CFTC must have a USI, i.e., min 1. The USI is in fact an identifier of a swap for the CFTC.Other swaps in other jurisdictions may not have a USIqualified by jurisdiction. For example, OTC Derivatives in EU must now have an ISIN as the identifier. USI is a term specific to the CFTC at the moment thoughI don't recommend promoting USI. That is only one class of derivative, ISINs will become more broad identifiers of derivatives, including swaps.