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0) About File or Files recaprecap 

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name20170308 FIBO FPT on About Files.docx

1) Open Action Items

2) JIRA Issues Review


The PoC on our side entails creating an FRB Thesaurus for Regulatory Reporting that is based on FIBO where it makes sense.  Ultimately we would like this thesaurus to be evolved into a FRB Regulatory Reporting Ontology – an open source ontology for government, banks, and vendors to collaborate.

The goal is to share a read only view of the fibo skos vocabulary and get feedback for collaboration.  Something like skosplay.  BTW we’ve tried skosplay and it failed loading – maybe your updated version can be uploaded to skosplay.

To be able to jointly (Bank of America, EDM Council, and other vendors) develop a regulatory ontology based on FIBO we need the ontology admin rights capability turned on.  We cannot open Bank of America on premise PoolParty instance.

6) For next week.

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name20170709 FIBO FPT.docx

20170709 FIBO FPT


Progress on About files issue (Omar)...

OK will pick up the actions on this paper on Tuesday of next week.  DA has listed in the JIRA ticket the tasks needed to complete this. FIBO-FPT-Infra INFRA-131 Universal FIBO About File


OK agrees with what DA posted on that.


The SKOSify TTL file is presumably out there?


ACTION:  DA to bring this and other individual files into one place.


These are all in the /etc folder so don’t need to go through the same process as changes to the spec.

The /etc folder is the place they will end up. DA will do that.   This is all the housekeeping to complete this.


OK: made good progress with the mechanics of the publication process. Take a look at FIBO publish in Jenkins - will see that a change in GitHub gets carried forward to being published on spec.edmcouncil.prg/test

OK: there are things we can do to make this better for the conference. For example copying the FIBO Master piece into Omar's repo in place of the pizza sample ting he is using.


JG:  FIBO-Master is in the EDMC FIBO GitHub repository. It was put there yesterday.  Creatively named FIBO-Master

OK will use this. Will do a test modification to a file there somewhere as a demo but won't push it back to EDM Council.


JIRA issues status

RDFKIT-3 OWL blank nodes serialization – Done, DW will get rid of it – done


RDFKIT-61 DA: Omar took this open and did it.  Test instructions for Serializer

MU had reviewed this thoroughly and extra material has been added to make a useful guide.

ACTION: DW needs to take the one he downloaded from the JIRA and upload it to the wiki and set it as a "Featured Page".  DONE


Elie: not done 68 yet. EAL will complete this by next week.


RDFKIT-11 (JG) Relates to Serializer. Can move this to another version as not scheduled to complete in this version.

Edit the FIX Version field to do this.  Move the fix version to rdfkit-3.0.0 – DONE


RDFKIT-16 (JG) This is from 2015. This is a feature to be able to merge all the ontologies into one giant ontology. Toolit needs to be able to do this. Scheduled for v 4.0.0


RDFKIT-30 "Create the publish optionThis is the publish option for the whole project. Open


RDFKIT-67 (JG)  Scala / OWLAPI based serializer to work again.  Are we will dong this now or in the future?

DA this is on the roadmap but we decided we would do this later not now. 


ACTION DW: move RDFKIT-67  to v3.0.0 DONE


Today's Agenda:

Where is JG's new volunteer?  JG there are 2 others who may also work on this. Will include them in the emails.

Includes Stefa Laniszslo in London and Brennan Offer in NYC. Also, Finbar Gut and Daniel Bates. They replace Brennan who moves to JMP next week but will remain involved with us.

ACTION :  JG to pass their emails to DW for JIRA, Wiki and GitHub access.


"Migrate back to SCALA" task on the Roadmap - does this move now?  JG:  No. because that one is not about the Serializer it's about the code base for the publisher, which does need to use the OWL API.  This is ongoing.

Stefan is working on that and on the new CLI (Command line interface) item. Gets back from holidays tomorrow.


BNY has their own NEXEN ontologies which will link to the FIBO ontologies. So their need is to be able to publish their own NEXEN ontologies internally following this process. So, their internal process would be similar to ours. Hence the need for the same publishing tools and workflow. This includes the sane need to have things read by end users, SMEs and so on.  So these tools are usable for anyone.


DA: David Booth also interested in seeing this used in health records work.  DA: had a long chat with David Booth last week, went over the Serializer and GitHub stuff. DB felt strongly that having a Serializer that allows GitHub to do its job correctly, is very important. Folks on W3C have been looking at a range of strategies to tackle this. Ours seems to be the best.  This lets you use the GitHub governance model but with OWL content.  This could itself be an EDM Council deliverable on governance around ontology development.


DW has been communicating with MA about this. Has not realized the importance of this technical sounding stuff.


JG:  Try talking to John Bottega. Forms a useful part of data management maturity.  JG: Also we need to start communicating the knowledge we have developed on this.  To use ontology as a viable conceptual model for any organization, the data governance process needs to include being able to use these tools so that SMEs / business stakeholders have oversight of the concepts.



About File - DA: we met yesterday on strategies for an About file. Question is whether we want one per domain or one at top level. Either way we need to create one at the topf (Family) level.  At present the Domain About files are built by hand by FCTs. Need to be able to build both, via scripts.  OK is to use scripts DA has written to do this.  Includes the metadata at the start of the About files.  Also figure out the right URL for the About file(s).  OK expecting to complete this mid next week.


What is in the About file?  An import to all the ontologies. No content.


There other thing also called About in the OMG world, seems to have stuff we don't need, that is about the written specification. So we do not need a file equivalent to that (and if we did it would not be called About anyway).

We all agree that calling both of them About in OMG, wasn't useful.


PR: The other metadata also includes changes and reasons for changes, with links to JIRA issues. So that makes sense.


DA: that is already said at the Domain level or the levels below.  This material is covered for the EDM Council side, in the Artifact ontology.  DA: depending the publication, when we take Pink and publish it as have 4 or 5 products, likewise for Master and so on. Whatever we call "a publication" we need to know which Domains are included in that build.


DN also proposed a third product that does not have the MD Domain in it.  MB reminder of valid FIBO scope: Static / contractual (the now stuff); MD / Temporally sensitive; process (issuance, trading); reporting / institutions specific e.g. portfolios and holdings. These are distinct styles of concept but in intended FIBO scope. MD itself is very mature in SME terms.



Action items

  •  Omar Khan (Unlicensed) Show what he has done on about files 20170314
  •  Dean Allemang  bring skosify  and other individual files needed for about into one place.   These are all in the /etc folder so don’t need to go through the same process as changes to the spec. The /etc folder is the place they will end up. This is all the housekeeping to complete this. 
  •  Dennis Wisnosky  take the one he downloaded from the JIRA and upload it to the wiki and set it as a "Featured Page".
  •  Dennis Wisnosky close RDFKIT-3 
  •  Dennis Wisnosky  move RDFKIT-67  to v3.0.0
  • [X] Give names and Emails of new team members, Offer, Gut, Laniszslo and Bates to DWiz