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Example individuals (RDF/XML serialized OWL file) as of July 20th 2015 – ExampleIndividuals.rdf

Draft Ontology Status

Additions to Foundations (FNDLanguages, Countries and Codes Specification (LCC) as of 808/0313/2015 --



  • Languages Module – current in GitHub in LCC/Languages includes AboutLanguages, LanguageRepresentation, ISO639-1-LanguageCodes, ISO639-2-LanguageCodes to date; AboutLanguages and LanguageRepresentation, and ISO639-1-LanguageCodes are in final form, the ISO639-2-LanguageCodes ontology lacks German names, identifies Language and isMemberOf CodeSet properties
  • Country Codes – current in GitHub in LCC/Countries, includes AboutCountries, CountryRepresentation, ISO3166-1-CountryCodes, ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes; AboutCountries and CountryRepresentation is in final form, the codes ontologies are still in work (3166-1 alpha 3 codes need Identifies Country and isMemberOf CodeSet properties (alpha 2 codes are complete), review wrt latest UN revisions; 3166-2 codes are a starting point draft, work there is ongoing)Currency

Additions to Foundations (FND) as of 8/09/2015 --

  • Classification Schemes – current in GitHub in FND/Arrangements, no anticipated changes
  • QuantitiesAndUnits – current in GitHub in FND/Quantities, no anticipated changes
  • Revised CurrencyAmount ontology and Currency Codes – current in GitHub in FND/Accounting, includes CurrencyRepresentation, ISO4127-1-CurrencyCodes; CurrencyRepresentation is in final form, the codes ontology is still in work (needs identifies Currency, isMemberOf CodeSet properties, review wrt latest ISO revisions)
  • BusinessCenters – in work, not yet in GitHub (may not make it in this draft)
  • ProductsAndServices Module – will be current in GitHub today in FND/ProductsAndService, includes AboutProductsAndServices, PaymentsAndPaymentSchedules, and ProductsAndServices
  • Revised LegalCapacity ontology – current in GitHub including licensing definitions as of 8/11/2015

Financial Business and Commerce (FBC) as of 8/0309/2015 --

  • FinancialInstruments – current in GitHub in FBC/FinancialInstruments, need to relate instruments to the currency they are defined in and test with individuals, review definitions based on inputs
  • FunctionalEntities Module – current in GitHub in FBC/FunctionalInstruments, includes AboutFunctionalEntities, FinancialIntermediariesBusinessRegistries, FinancialServiceProviders, Markets, RegistrationAuthorities, RegulatoryAgencies, and BusinessRegistries, stable for the time being, with tweaks to FinancialIntermediaries anticipated, especially to cover EU entities and based on feedback and individualsProductsAndServices Module – in process of refactoring in FBC/ProductsAndService, includes AboutProductsAndServices, ClientsAndAccounts, FinancialProductsAndServices, may need the addition of a BankingServices ontologyand RegulatoryAgencies; all refactored ontologies are current in GitHub as of 8/11/2015; remaining work includes renaming LegalRegistrationAddress and changing its parent in BusinessRegistries, as of 8/11/2015
  • ProductsAndServices Module – includes AboutProductsAndServices, FinancialProductsAndServices, and ClientsAndAccounts (complete as of 8/13/2015)  
  • Jurisdiction-Specific Ontologies – created new sub-folder called USJurisdiction in FunctionalEntities, refactored and moved USFinancialServicesEntities, with USRegulatoryAgencies in work as of 8/13/2015

Example Individuals as of 8/0309/2015 --

  • The current set of examples is based on the Legal Entities and Functional Entities tabs in the examples spreadsheet, above.  It represents a snapshot as of 8/03, and will be revised to incorporate additional individuals over the coming weeks – ExampleIndividuals.rdf (for loading purposes, this should be dropped into FBC/FunctionalEntities)
  • Note that the individuals in the examples file have not yet been refactored – will be completed once the jurisdiction-specific ontologies have been updated
  • AboutFBC-1.0.rdf – loads all of FND, BE, and FBC (should be at the top level in, or – includes language, country, and currency code individuals,but needs revision to use the LCC versions, so HermiT may take a few minutes to run (it really does complete, but not quickly), although Pellet classifies it fairly quickly – AboutFBC-1.0.rdf
  • AboutFBC-1.0-test.rdf – imports all of FBC, including the new ontologies and test individuals, in addition to the language, country, and currency codes – AboutFBC-1.0-test.rdf


Revised draft as of 8/6/2015 containing all of the proposed changes to FND and revised FinancialInstruments documentation – FinancialBusinessAndCommerce-PreliminaryDraft-201500806.pdf 

Revised draft as of 8/9/2015 containing Financial Instruments, several of the Functional Entities, and the refactored Financial Products and Services ontology – FinancialBusinessAndCommerce-PreliminaryDraft-201500809.pdf

Revised draft as of 8/11/2015 contains all of the primary FBC jurisdiction-independent ontologies and all changes to Foundations, with the following exceptions: (1) renaming of LegalRegistrationAddress in BusinessRegistries, (2) refactored ClientsAndAccounts, with diagrams and definitions and (3) namespaces added for the architecture section of Foundations (6.4.9) – 

View file

Revised draft as of 8/13/2015 contains all of the FBC jurisdiction-independent ontologies (complete), all changes to FND (with the exception of the namespace changes in 6.4.9) and the first of two US Jurisdiction ontologies – 

View file