5) Todays content discussion.
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20180813 FIBO SEC FCT
Elisa has been busy and there are only a handful of issues left that require work.
Of the 8, only 3 impact non-provisional material.
FBC: one new issue 201 around DTC. Fairly minor. Anticipate sorting that out as part of the GLEIF clean up.
Right now, running reasoner down to sub 30 seconds!
EK: completed all the open hygiene issues raised by Dean's script.
Near enough to code complete for Sept 2.0 release. Will be decided in FLT.
Currency Code clean up issue owing to dates--part of FND.
Pete and EK to sort out as this was reported from outside.
Action Item: RB to determine redistribution restrictions on MIC codes.
Settlements and CreditFacilities are currently provisional--need SME input to clean up.
In SEC debt foundations...much of it should go, to the extent that stuff should stay, most of it should be either in the main debt ontology or parallel to that.
DebtFinance should be cleaned up for Sep
6) For next week.
Action items
- Richard Beatch (Unlicensed) determine redistribution restrictions on MIC codes, report to Elisa Kendall