- Mike Bennett
1. Come up with more generally acceptable terminology to label the 4 sub classes of perdurant. Mike will add the interposing DOLCE classes and compare with the 4 cell table we saw today. This would be a polyhierarchy of telic / atlic and instantaneous v non instantaneous. For non instantaneous things, there is also the distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous. Accomplishment and Activitiy (in SEP) are non instantaneous (durative). Activity (SEP) is homogeneous
.Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org JIRA serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key FND-13 2. Put together the hierarchy of concepts based on these distinctions, with portmanteau words.
Dennis Wisnosky “DoDAF Capability- The ability to achieve a Desired Effect under specified [performance] standards and conditions through combinations of ways and means [activities and resources] to perform a set of activities”
Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org JIRA serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key FND-14 - Mike Bennett Revise the invite site to point to the one associated with all other FCT meetings
.Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org JIRA serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key FND-15