- Michael
- Dennis Wisnosky
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- viesturs.lenss (Unlicensed)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Maxwell Gillmore (Unlicensed)
- Lucy Opsitnik (Unlicensed)
FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Agenda_033116.doc
6) For next week.
Action items
FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Minutes_033116.doc
Continued review of CreditReport request and response concepts.
ChatLog DW FIBO Reoccurring Meeting 2016_03_31 17_00.rtf
Leave link between CreditTradeLine and TransactionHistory for now.
Agreed and accepted PublicRecordCategory representation in OWL.
Accepted CreditInquiryType: hard and soft
Agreed to hold rationalization of CreditReportProduct/Type for Credit Report use case
CreditReportRequest need class for product.
Action items
Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed), Michael
1. Discuss with Elisa Kendall Transaction concept in FBC;
2. Confer with FND re Account intention and
3. Invite FND member to attend a Loan session to discuss higher level concepts and connections to upper ontologies
4. Load additional ontologies for Contract, Account, and Transaction middlewareJira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-59
5. Review Legal concept in FND and bring backJira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-60
6. Discuss inheritance of CreditInquiry, Occurance (location?) (FND),
etc.Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-62
- Michael
- Model CreditReportRequest to CreditRepository instead of CreditReportAgency
- Edit CreditInquiryRequest hasBorrower to party that inquiry is about concept
- Add CreditReport classifier
Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-58