6) For next week.
FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Minutes_032416.doc
Since last time: changed some of the relationships, e..g hasPart as agreed last week.
Tradeline not derived from the contract. aybe isBasedOn Contract? or si based on the transaction history of the contract?
To view notes capture during proceedings, please see the chat log.
ChatLog DW FIBO Reoccurring Meeting 2016_03_24 17_03.rtf
Action items
- Michael
1. CreditReport Most of these items were done before creating this JIRA ISSUE. It only includes the two items in red.Jira Legacy server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-74 1.
CreditReport not always have a CreditScore, make min 0. e.g. for people with little credit history.2. CreditReport
CreditReport not always have a CreditInquiry, make min 0.3. CreditReport
CreditReport not always have a CreditTradeline and PublicRecord, make min 0.4. CreditReport
CreditReport: add date of creation property (as of date) (to Report superclass).5. Rename
Rename CreditRequest to CreditReportRequest6. look
look into property like referencedParty or subjectParty (not work wel with FIBO refersTo, too limited.)Result: I looked and found nothing better.7. add
add asOf or effectiveDate to Report (inherited by CreditReport) see if asOfDate is in FND
8. allowResult: nothing was in FND. I added asOfDate to CreditReport, not Report, since not all Reports have them.
allow CreditScore to be float, not integer. MOVE TO IDENTIFIER RATIONALIZATION
Result: changed to be decimal, not float due to a range specification for the property.9. allow
allow CreditScore to be non-numeric (e..g low, medium, high). research this, [can of worms] throw over the fence to FND. Want something like CreditRating that includes qualitative and quantitative scores.MOVE TO ID RATIONALIZATIONResult: added CreditScoreCategory for non-numeric.Did not move to ID RATIONALIZATION.10. CreditScore
CreditScore min 0 CreditScoreFactor11. CreditScore
CreditScore maybe use isDerivedFrom model rather than uses_g
Result: replaced uses_g with isDerivedFrom in the restriction.12. Find
Find out why is Specification in this definition:13. Consider how to broaden to CreditScoreModelScheme rather than CreditScoreModelType, Off-line withy Lynn, maybe look at arrangement in FIBO FND. Not that different from addressing scheme.
14. Need
Result: a credit score model is an algorithm, which specifies a sequence of computational steps, and thus is a specification.13.
<moved to separate task>14.
Need more information on CreditTradeline, e.g. payment history, etc.Result: added restriction: isDerivedFrom some TransactionHistory.15
15a. Change filter class connection from tradeline to loan contract to be to Contract, not necessarily a loan contract, could be utilities account, or rental agreement. Always a contract behind it. Also about paying bills, failure to pay,
15b. Tradeline not derived from the contract. maybe isBasedOn Contract? or is based on the transaction history of the contract?Result: added isDerivedFrom some TransactionHistory restriction to CreditTradeLine. TransactionHistory is tied to a Contract. So, there is a property path from the Tradeline to the Account viat the TransactionHistory. Michael Consider how to broaden to CreditScoreModelScheme rather than CreditScoreModelType, Off-line withy Lynn, maybe look at arrangement in FIBO FND. Not that different from addressing scheme. MOVE TO ID RATIONALIZATION
Result: I’m not sure in what sense a CreditScoreModelScheme is an AddressingScheme, which is itself a kind of IndexingScheme (in FND). An address is an index to a location. What is a credit model type an index to? Does this sound right? If so, is there a good reason to do this now?
I propose to defer for now, and change it if required by HMDA.-
Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed), Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Michael - continue discussion of necessity of adding Identifier class
. Describe CreditScoreJira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-55
.Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-56 Michael - edit CreditInquiry from some to hasPart
Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) and Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed) - refine CreditRequest v. CreditReportRequest and definitions
Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) and Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed) - review and further rationalize CreditRepository and CreditReportingAgency for presentation to working group
Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed), Michael - captured question of CreditScore and CreditRating superclass. Further discussion and research?
Michael - research with Foundations and bring back content regarding CreditScore and CreditRating superclass.
Michael - CreditScoreFactor should be min 0
Michael - confer with Foundations regarding existence of Account concept
Jira Legacy showSummary false server jira.edmcouncil.org serverId 6465cde0-d6c9-34a0-a506-4d4ac3461fe5 key LOAN-54