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Meeting slides covering Business Registries, presented in the Securities/FBC working group session on June 8 – FIBO Securities Content Team Meeting 20150608.pptx

Revised presentation materials from the OMG Technical Meeting, Finance Domain Task Force (DTF) Plenary Session, 17 June 2015 – FBCUpdate-20150617-Part1.pptxFBCUpdate-20150617-Part2.pptx

Meeting slides covering extensions to Regulatory Agences, presented in the Securities/FBC working group session on June 29th – FIBO Securities Content Team Meeting 20150629.pptx


Draft Definitions

Spreadsheets containing many of the definitions for terms in the ontologies have also been distributed at a number of recent meetings.


Example individuals, revised spreadsheet including Fidelity examples – LegalEntityAndFunctionalEntityExample-20150601.xlsx

Example individuals (RDF/XML serialized OWL file) as of July 20th 2015 – ExampleIndividuals.rdf

Draft Ontology Status

Additions to Foundations (FND) --


Languages, Countries and Codes Specification (LCC) as of 08/13/2015 – 

  • Languages Module – current in GitHub in FNDLCC/Languages includes AboutLanguages, LanguageRepresentation, ISO639-1-LanguageCodes, ISO639-2-LanguageCodes to date; AboutLanguages and LanguageRepresentation, and ISO639-1-LanguageCodes are in final form, the codes ontologies are still in work (639-1 codes are largely complete and up to date with respect to the codes themselves on the Library of Congress (RA) site, some languages lack German names (will complete before submission); 639-2 codes need ISO639-2-LanguageCodes ontology lacks German names, identifies Language and isMemberOf CodeSet properties, plus German names for languages)
  • Country Codes – current in GitHub in FNDLCC/PlacesCountries, includes AboutCountries, CountryRepresentation, ISO3166-1-CountryCodes, ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes; AboutCountries and CountryRepresentation is in final form, the codes ontologies are still in work (3166-1 alpha 3 codes need Identifies Country and isMemberOf CodeSet properties (alpha 2 codes are complete), review wrt latest UN revisions; 3166-2 codes are barely a starting point draft, work there is ongoing)Currency

Additions to Foundations (FND) as of 8/09/2015 --

  • Classification Schemes – current in GitHub in FND/Arrangements, no anticipated changes
  • QuantitiesAndUnits – current in GitHub in FND/Quantities, no anticipated changes
  • Revised CurrencyAmount ontology and Currency Codes – current in GitHub in FND/Accounting, includes CurrencyRepresentation, ISO4127-1-CurrencyCodes; CurrencyRepresentation is in final form, the codes ontology is still in work (needs identifies Currency, isMemberOf CodeSet properties, review wrt latest ISO revisions)
  • BusinessCenters – in work, not yet in GitHub (may not make it in this draft)
  • ProductsAndServices Module – current in GitHub in FND/ProductsAndService, includes AboutProductsAndServices, PaymentsAndPaymentSchedules, and ProductsAndServices
  • Revised LegalCapacity ontology – current in GitHub including licensing definitions as of 8/11/2015

Financial Business and Commerce (FBC) as of 8/09/2015 --


  • FinancialInstruments – current in GitHub in FBC/FinancialInstruments, need to relate instruments to the currency they are defined in and test with individuals, review definitions based on inputs
  • FunctionalEntities Module – current in GitHub in FBC/FunctionalInstruments, includes AboutFunctionalEntities, BusinessRegistries, FinancialIntermediariesFinancialServiceProviders, Markets, RegistrationAuthorities, RegulatoryAgencies, and BusinessRegistries, stable for the time being, with tweaks to FinancialIntermediaries anticipated, especially to cover EU entities and based on feedback and individuals
  • ProductsAndServices Module – current in GitHub in FBC/ProductsAndService, includes AboutProductsAndServices, ClientsAndAccounts, PaymentsAndPaymentSchedules, ProductsAndServices, relatively stable for the time being, may need the addition of a BankingServices ontology


  • and RegulatoryAgencies; all refactored ontologies are current in GitHub as of 8/11/2015; remaining work includes renaming LegalRegistrationAddress and changing its parent in BusinessRegistries, as of 8/11/2015
  • ProductsAndServices Module – includes AboutProductsAndServices, FinancialProductsAndServices, and ClientsAndAccounts (complete as of 8/13/2015)  
  • Jurisdiction-Specific Ontologies – created new sub-folder called USJurisdiction in FunctionalEntities, refactored and moved USFinancialServicesEntities, with USRegulatoryAgencies in work as of 8/13/2015

Example Individuals as of 8/09/2015 --

  • The current set of examples is based on the Legal Entities and Functional Entities tabs in the examples spreadsheet, above.  It represents a snapshot as of 8/03, and will be revised to incorporate additional individuals over the coming weeks – ExampleIndividuals.rdf (for loading purposes, this should be dropped into FBC/FunctionalEntities)
  • Note that the individuals in the examples file have not yet been refactored – will be completed once the jurisdiction-specific ontologies have been updated
  • AboutFBC-1.0.rdf – loads all of FND, BE, and FBC (should be at the top level in, or – includes language, country, and currency code individuals,but needs revision to use the LCC versions, so HermiT may take a few minutes to run (it really does complete, but not quickly), although Pellet classifies it fairly quickly – AboutFBC-1.0.rdf
  • AboutFBC-1.0-test.rdf – imports all of FBC, including the new ontologies and test individuals, in addition to the language, country, and currency codes – AboutFBC-1.0-test.rdf

Draft FBC Specification

Preliminary draft version (as of COB 7/31/2015) containing some of the content that we are proposing for FND updates, mainly for a format check – see

Preliminary draft version (as of 8/2/2015) containing most of the content proposed as changes to FND, for a format and content review – FinancialBusinessAndCommerce-PreliminaryDraft-201500801.pdf

Revised draft as of 8/6/2015 containing all of the proposed changes to FND and revised FinancialInstruments documentation – FinancialBusinessAndCommerce-PreliminaryDraft-201500806.pdf

Revised draft as of 8/9/2015 containing Financial Instruments, several of the Functional Entities, and the refactored Financial Products and Services ontology – FinancialBusinessAndCommerce-PreliminaryDraft-201500809.pdf

Revised draft as of 8/11/2015 contains all of the primary FBC jurisdiction-independent ontologies and all changes to Foundations, with the following exceptions: (1) renaming of LegalRegistrationAddress in BusinessRegistries, (2) refactored ClientsAndAccounts, with diagrams and definitions and (3) namespaces added for the architecture section of Foundations (6.4.9) – 

View file

Revised draft as of 8/13/2015 contains all of the FBC jurisdiction-independent ontologies (complete), all changes to FND (with the exception of the namespace changes in 6.4.9) and the first of two US Jurisdiction ontologies – 

View file