Diagrams and Screenshots from Protege
Specification materials were presented to the Securities/FBC and Loans working groups the week of May 4th, 2015. This presentation has been split into two parts due to the size of the images.
Part 1 - Financial Instruments, Financial Intermediaries and Regulatory Agencies – FBCUpdate-20150506-Part1.pptx
Part 2 - Regulatory Agencies (continued), Registration Authorities, Products and Services, Clients and Accounts, and Payments and Schedules, as well as homework including a few draft individuals as examples – FBCUpdate-20150506-Part2.pptx
Meeting slides covering Languages and Countries, presented in the Securities/FBC working group session on June 1 – FIBO Securities Content Team Meeting 20150601.pptx
Meeting slides covering Business Registries, presented in the Securities/FBC working group session on June 8 – FIBO Securities Content Team Meeting 20150608.pptx
Draft Definitions
Spreadsheets containing many of the definitions for terms in the ontologies have also been distributed at a number of recent meetings.
Revised definitions as of the week of 5/11 to incorporate some of the feedback from Citi and comments made during meetings -
Definitions as of 4/13, by ontology (definitions for each ontology are in a separate tab) - FBCTermsAndDefinitions-20150413.xlsx
Comments on the definitions as of 4/13 by Citi, provided 4/24 - Citi input to FBCTermsAndDefinitions-20150424.xlsx
Example individuals, in spreadsheet form, for Legal Entities and corresponding Functional Entities – LegalEntityAndFunctionalEntityExample.xlsx
Example individuals, revised spreadsheet including Fidelity examples – LegalEntityAndFunctionalEntityExample-20150601.xlsx