FIBO BE 1.1 RTF Specification, report and artifacts

FIBO BE 1.1 RTF Specification, report and artifacts

The FIBO Business Entities (BE) 1.1Specification is available at – 

The Normative RDF/XML Serialized OWL files corresponding to this revision of the specification are available at – 

The Informative RDF/XML Serialized OWL "about files" corresponding to this revision are available at – 

The Normative ODM UML XMI files, specified using the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) 1.1 profiles for RDF and OWL are available at – 

The Normative ODM XMI files, specified using the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) 1.1 metamodels for RDF and OWL are available at --

The VOM/MagicDraw model files (ancillary) that were used to generate a number of these artifacts, including the diagrams used in the specification are available at – 

The actual BE 1.1 Revision Task Force (RTF) report detailing the changes that were made from BE 1.0 to BE 1.1 is available at –  and the archive including all of the related attachments is available at – 

Finally, the .svg archive of all of the modified diagrams included in this version of the specification is available at –