2019-02-13 MA Meeting Notes
Michael Atkin
Cory Casanave
Former user (Deleted) susan green (Unlicensed) Pete Rivett Elisa Kendall John Gemski Former user (Deleted) Dennis WisnoskyFormer user (Deleted) Former user (Deleted)
Suman Murali, D&BVivian Wang, Fannie MaeValeriy Osipov, Freddie Mac
Andrew Metz, Charles Schwab
1) Review and adjust generic model
Attendees: Cory Casanave, Ron Forino, Susan Green, Pete Rivett, Elisa Kendall, Suman Murali, Vivian Wang, Valeriy Osipov, Sandra Recca, Andrew Metz, Warren Wittenborn, John Gemski, Michael Atkin, Dennis Wisnosky
Meet weekly on Wednesday from 11-12 (agreed)
Raw Notes
Michael Atkin (to Everyone): 11:15 AM: Cory, Elisa, John Gemski, Pete, Ron Forino (D&B analytics governance), Sandra Recca (Fitch), Suman Murali (D&B), Veleriy (Freddie Mac), Vivian (Fannie Mae), MA
SG (to Everyone): 11:16 AM: Also Susan Green Fitch Ratings
Michael Atkin (to Everyone): 11:17 AM: MA - address the Wiki access challenge (add participants)
11:20 AM: CC - tour of Wiki, structure of generic model, OWL ontology (must be used in conjunction with FIBO), definitions and properties
11:24 AM: CC - important to ensure that we are adopting language/words that make sense and are acceptable to all participants
11:25 AM: CC - today (rating party, rating issuer and rating agency)
11:26 AM: Rating party - the organization that asserts the rating
11:26 AM: Rating issuer - party that creates the rating scale
11:27 AM: Should there be a separation between "rating issuer" and "rating party"?
11:28 AM: JG (yes) - Missing the concept of "ratings distributor" (third party channel for the ratings)
11:29 AM: SR - the distributor is different from the issuer (the role important to capture) - i.e. Fitch solutions distributions by Fitch ratings - this ROLE is important to capture
11:29 AM: CC - use the term "rating distributor" for this role
11:30 AM: CC - examination of "rating party"
11:31 AM: EK - (yes) - important to identify the person that performs the analysis (human) - which is distinct from the agency that does the rating
11:32 AM: SR - there is a rating analyst (the ones responsible and the one that is on the release) - some ratings are done by a committee (assigned analyst for a deal is the person that is named)
11:33 AM: CC - rating party (legal entity responsible for the publication)
11:35 AM: SG - Issuer = entity that issues the "thing" being rated (i.e. the bond). Ratings Issuer is the wrong term!
11:38 AM: Thing being rated (bond) -- agency that does the rating -- person/committee doing the rating -- distributor of the rating -- rating of the issuer of the thing
11:41 AM: Things being rated is also dependent on the rating of the issuer of the "thing"
11:45 AM: Scope - starts with generic concept of any type of rating then drill down to deal with financial rating concepts
11:46 AM: The first goal is generic rating
11:47 AM: JG - make distinction between "formal" and "informal" rating
11:50 AM: CC - Term "effective date" (date when rating was made vs. date of coverage) and the concept of end date (term of rating)
11:51 AM: Ratings can be withdrawn and ratings can be reissued. Term starts when things is initially rated (withdrawn, upgrades, downgraded)
11:52 AM: Effective date - when the issuer of bond agrees to have it rated - agency term begins - then upgrade, downgrade - effective date is when the last action occurred
11:53 AM: End date - there is no "term" (rating is good from X date to Y date). This is not a valid term
11:56 AM: Two critical dates = Rating created, Rating adjusted (withdrawn, upgraded, paid in full, down graded, Rating withdrawn (agency no longer rates)
11:57 AM: Adjusted = upgraded, downgraded, affirrmed
11:57 AM: Paid in full = rating no longer is valid/doesn't exist
11:58 AM: Rating = an event concept + the entity issuing the rating
11:59 AM: Withdrawn = (I don't want you to rate me anymore)
11:59 AM: Paid in Full = no longer valid/rating not relevant
11:59 AM: All of this is impacted by corporate action
12:00 PM: Events = rating itself, withdrawn, entity/instrument no longer exists
12:02 PM: Three core concepts (things, dates, outputs) - all impacted by events
12:02 PM: "to issue" (verb) is not the same as "issue" (noun)"
12:03 PM: After core concepts - goal is to drill down into a specific thing. Question is what "thing" to use as the drill down
12:04 PM: Weekly from 11-12 for the initial model development
Action items
- Cory CasanavePopulate Wiki and ensure access capability by participants
- Cory Casanave Restructure generic model to reflect new concepts (things - dates - outputs) impacted by events and roles performed