2017-02-28 Meeting notes

2017-02-28 Meeting notes




1) Action Item review

2) Where we are on our road map. 

Artifact ontology

/test on spec.edm.council.org/fibo

Omar SW

3) Randy Demo

4) For next week.


20120228 FIBO FPT


Randy Coleman: shows an Excel plug in that he is using for a Surety reporting project. A reference plug in maps to a concept model that can be converted to OWL.  Luxon software has 5 web based XML conversion tools. Can up load a file to assist in this.  XML to CSV is open source on http://codeplex.com. XML for label and XML file for reference provide the same result.  It took a morning to housekeep the result to match the spreadsheet. Then could import into the CCM. And, then export in OWL. Still a work in process, but much much easier than doing this all manually.  Omar: very cool - Randy!  Randy now making the link to extend surety bonds in FIBO. 


Pete is looking for a link to code that does XML to RDF.  This would shortcut the process.


http://xbrl.squarespace.com/journal/2013/7/2/project-to-convert-xbrl-financial-information-to-rdfowl.html . This page has a bunch of links worth following.



[0] http://any23.apache.org

[1] https://github.com/apache/any23/blob/any23-2.0/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
[2] http://any23.apache.org/download.html
[3] http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g%3A%22org.apache.any23%22
[4] https://s.apache.org/any23doap
[5] http://any23.apache.org/mail-lists.html


OK can ping AWS.  Will have update on next meeting.


JG walks through all comments he has made on https://wiki.edmcouncil.org/display/FIBORDFKIT/RDF+Toolkit


JG walks through the work that he has done on the Artifact Ontology https://github.com/edmcouncil/rdf-toolkit/blob/scala-owlapi-based-serializer/artifact-ontology.ttl


JG walks through the work that he has done on RDF ToolKit https://github.com/edmcouncil/rdf-toolkit/blob/scala-owlapi-based-serializer/rdf-toolkit.ttl


Kudos to Jacobus.


Action items
