FIBO - FCT - Foundations Home

Welcome to the home page of the FIBO Foundations Working Group!

This wiki space is for documentation and other materials for the FIBO FND Domain Area.  

JIRA issues related to this Team are found here.

Objectives of the FND Domain 

The primary goal of Foundations is to provide the fundamental conceptual basis for the FIBO ontologies. This includes guidelines and best practices for overall FIBO development, integration of external ontologies such as the Commons Ontology Library (COMMONS – see, Multiple Vocabulary Facility (MVF - see, and Languages, Countries and Codes (LCC – see from the Object Management Group, various W3C ontologies and standards, and others as appropriate, and extensions of these ontologies for areas that are FIBO specific, such as Contracts.

Use Cases

Our primary use case is to supply foundational abstractions for other FIBO domain areas. There are no direct industry use cases for the content in Foundations, though specialist areas such as Risk may be added by in order to enable other domain usage or extension.. 


Activities in support of the above are primarily the review and implementation of Jira issues for FND. These are usually raised by other FCTs in response to requirements for foundational abstractions needed to support their content. 

Guidelines and Best Practices

Guidelines and best practices for FIBO development are currently documented in the Ontology Guide in GitHub, available at and Plans to make these pages more robust and integrate them directly herein are underway.

Mapping to External Ontologies

Current work (2023-2024) includes migration of a number of patterns that either were originally in FIBO, primarily in FND, or remain in FIBO for the time being, to the OMG COMMONS, standardizing them at OMG, and retrofitting FIBO with the resulting standards once published and dereferenceable from the OMG site. Details regarding the mappings completed to date, including the original FIBO concepts and target COMMONS equivalents are available at Mapping FIBO to the Commons Ontology Library.

Meeting Schedule

There are no standing meetings supporting FIBO Foundations. Work on issues impacting the FND domain is typically conducted by working groups that require foundational abstractions.

Popular Topics by Label

Open Issues and Actions

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Mike Bennett2019-10-15 Meeting notes
  • Mike Bennett Add examples to the FIBO Domain wiki FCT landing page
Mike Bennett2019-04-30 Meeting notes
  • Mike Bennett Dig out origins of FND-244 and bring to next week's FCT with diagrams, so we can establish original issue and close it out
Mike Bennett2019-04-30 Meeting notes
  • Mike Bennett move the 'Conceptual' explanatory material from the FND FCT landing page to a sub page, with a link; extend and expand with examples. 
Mike Bennett2019-04-30 Meeting notes
Cory Casanave2018-09-04 Meeting notes
Cory Casanave2017-11-21 Meeting notes

JIRA Issues

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Our Team
