2016-04-12 Meeting notes

2016-04-12 Meeting notes







1)  Use Case reminder.


2)  Where  we are on our road map. 


3)  Open Action Items


4 ) JIRA Issues Review



5)  Todays content discussion.








6)  For next week.




20160513 FIBO-FND FCT




Slide 7 BE Slight change, FBC no change, Loans remains the winner for collaboration.




Slide 8 Ref loans change page in wiki.




Slide 9 Anti-patterns Plan/status. Definitive Adaptive OWL all done.  EA retired. CCM ingestion, much time spent on 103 error classes. How, will need to rethink many of them. Confident that 18th can be met.




Slide 14: Recap since last week. Work done on Contract Terms. Removed Set from model. Thought about modeling choices.




Slide 15: Reopen FND-11. FND-29 Think about PR suggestion. SIMF has some answers for this. FND-42 is part of FND-45. Waiting for BE comment. BE Res E and K no impact on FND. Country alignment with LCC to be done by FCT. 




Triage Spread Sheet Review: All straight forward. Highlights - FND-33 has an issue with mediating pattern. FND-36 Do with Contract terms. FND-41 perhaps does not have sufficient conditions. FND-43 Revisit in light of sets and collections work. FND-47 Review WRT LCC. FND-53 Needs to do some reversion. FND-54 Should be closed out. FND-55 Do with FND-53. FND-60 and 61 is believed to have been closed. FND-65 Closed cause it was a null. FND-66 Person who stated this should explain understanding of hasCurrency. Is this a single concept or at least 2? FND-67 Do along with places work.  FND-66 and 67 were new. When are they needed?




Homework review: Sets and collections should be taken out of the model.




Slide 21 Contract Terms Content.  Commitment, Representation ad Warrants - difference. Termination Clauses - happy and unhappy.  Agreed measures and triggers - formulae and actions.




Reference slide 23 Term versus Terms Collection. Moved many relationships and did write ups.




Slide 28 and Slide 29 has words for slide 23.




Slide 30 Triggers and Paths define conditions within the process model.




Slide 34 is an open question re this conundrum.




Slide 37 Homework for 2 weeks from now.


Action items
