2016-10-18 Meeting notes

2016-10-18 Meeting notes







1)  Use Case reminder.


2)  Where  we are on our road map. 


3)  Open Action Items


4 ) JIRA Issues Review



5)  Todays content discussion.







6)  For next week.




20161018 FIBO-FND FCT




FIBO-FND RTF Report deferred to Feb 2017




Redoing wikiLoans




MB:  M Uschold will give Foundations what needs from FND, will start up again in another format (TBD)




FIBO-V:   FIBO-Pink only contains EDMC FIBO modules, not what's running through OMG.  FIBO-V will be using FIBO-FULL, less old intellectual capital.




Two defs of the word forward -- MB decides what goes into FIBO-FULL, everyone uses. What left behind, MB intellectual capital.  FIBO-FULL is all of FIBO, tested and untested, everyting we know about FIBO.




FIBO-Pink is everything that is tested about FIBO.




FIBO-V will have a FIBO-V-FULL and a FIBO-V-Pink.




FIBO-V/FND is conceptual stuff, needs a new name.




JIRA Triage -- See Mike's slides.




FND-11, 29, 42  Bring in mereology parts, wholes.   Needed by Loans.  Work to separate geographical and geophysical.  Some FND members looking at agreement with several financial standards.  Everything with a 'set' in the name will be changes (redundant and confusing)


Action items
