EMA SPOR RMS - Referentials Master Service
EMA SPOR RMS - Referentials Master Service
- Pattern: Controlled Vocabularies and Reference Code Lists - REVIEW
- Pattern: Representing Controlled Vocabularies for EMA SPOR Referentials - REVIEW
Action Items:
- Clarify correspondence to the CSVs access to XML source files from SPOR RMS (through API) Ali Ariff with Thomas Weber
- Test whether we can auto-generate the Class URIs as idmp-spor;SPOR-ShelfLifeType
- need to monitor changes in the naming of the list in relation to the list URI: https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/100000073343
- Create initial transformation with essential properties (current scope of attributes) - get the basic pattern implement
- Correspondance between SKOS-XL and CV pattern (see example at https://github.com/edmcouncil/idmp/blob/master/ISO/EuropeanJurisdiction/SubstancesProductsOrganisationsReferentials.rdf)
- SKOS-XL:Label = SPORTermName
- SKOS-XL:literalForm = cmns-txt:hasTextValue
- SKOS-XL:...
- Question on the automatability of the URIs: check example and/or consult with Thomas/Elisa
- Check on the name/label ID of the name and for the code: https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/100000000004/terms/100000000012/label/20001
- 1st test case for comparison: SPOR domain https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/100000000004
- 2nd test case for Shelf-Life-Type as test case as it is good for comparison
- Correspondance between SKOS-XL and CV pattern (see example at https://github.com/edmcouncil/idmp/blob/master/ISO/EuropeanJurisdiction/SubstancesProductsOrganisationsReferentials.rdf)
- Review session
- decision on which further attributes to include - provide the "full content" (tbd)
- Stability of URIs / version / change management
- Lists
- Class
- Terms
- Name
- ID