2019-08-23 Meeting notes

2019-08-23 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/IND/issues/IND-17?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


The first part of our call included discussion of the latest changes to the BLS model for statistical data representation (see last week's wiki for the model itself).  This work is based on ongoing development with the DDI Alliance for describing statistical information, which Dan participates in.  He has some simplification in mind with respect to representation of unit type vs. universe which he will incorporate and send us an updated model, which we will post at a higher level on the wiki so that it doesn't get buried in meeting notes.

We also discussed (briefly) including a mapping between the FIBO elements and DDI Alliance model, which will be published early next year.  Creating that mapping and providing it as an informative extension could broaden usage and interoperability with respect to this component of FIBO.

We then talked about reuse of the DDI Alliance model and implications of representing it in FIBO.  There are other groups in Europe that Jeff was aware of using the same DDI Alliance model (including Dan's diagram), which provides further confidence in the approach and could enable collaboration and reuse of the FIBO model and informative mapping, including:

https://eurhisfirm.eu/ -  university project working on a PAN European model for instrument data using DDI Alliance model 

https://rd-alliance.org - standardizing datatypes, via a reference datatypes repository (not clear whether they use ISO 11404 for that)

We decided to cancel next week due to the Labor Day holiday weekend, and will resume on 9/6.


Action items
