Loan Ontology in OWL

Loan Ontology in OWL


I have collected up all the annotations for the loan ontology and put them in a spreadsheet. The ontology itself along with the annotations spreadsheet is included in a singel zip file (see below).  There are four tabs 

  1. Loans: these are the URIs that are specific to the loan subject matter
  2. AddToFIBO: these are the URIs that are not specific to loans subject matter, but I added and used them when creating the loans ontology. These are things that I will recommend be added to FIBO in the appropriate place.
  3. UsedFromFIBO: these are the URIs that the loans ontology references that came from existing FIBO ontologies. This is just the URI and concept type, see the next tab to get the annotations, if you are curious.
  4. AllFIBO: this is a list of all the classes and properties anywhere at all inFIBO (excluding what is in the Loans and AddToFIBO tabs. This is for reference. 


loanCore-2016-02-04.rdf is the version use during the group metting on 04Feb2016.  Changes include:

  1. updated definitions per group discussions
  2. Can infer into class: ConformingLoan based on who guarantees it
  3. removed classes and properties related to Settlement
  4. rationalized naming of concepts not related to loans



Ontology plus Annotations as of 2016-01-14 (Zip file)

loanCore-2016-01-07.owl is the version used during the group meeting on 07Jan2016 including updates from last week.

  • Accompanying definitions and other annotations: LoansAnnotations.xlsx Note that the terms prefixed with loans:fibo- are generic terms no specific to loans.
    There are many definitions here, but there are still some missing, and some rationalization needing to be done. By next week there will be a more complete version ready to review. 


loanCore-2015-12-10.owl is the version used during the group meeting on 10Dec2015 including updates from last week.

loanCore-2015-12-03.owl is the version used during the group meeting on 03Dec2015 where we covered relationships and got more into HMDA use case

loanCore-2015-11-19.owl is the version used during the group meeting on 19Nov2015 where mapping to more classes was done, and also to properties.
loanCore-2015-11-19.pdf is a diagram from which the owl was generated.

loanCore-2015-11-5.owl is the version used during the group meeting on 5Nov2015 where further connections to existing FIBO classes was discussed.

loanCore-2015-10-29.owl is the version used during the group meeting on 29Oct15 where the connections to existing FIBO classes was discussed.

loanCore-2015-10-16.owl  is the first version of the loan ontology loaded into the wiki. It represents the discussion so far, with some of the classes mapped to other fibo ontologies.



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