2024-11-22 Meeting notes

2024-11-22 Meeting notes


Nov 22, 2024


  • @Elisa Kendall

  • @Mark Flood

  • @Scott Orchard


John sent regrets and Pete is traveling today.

Today we kept the call short, but talked about the potential linkage between domain specific languages for contracts, such as L4, and FIBO. Some discussion of L4 is available at:

  1. Legalese

  2. https://medium.com/computational-law-diary/introducing-l4-docassemble-69ce4b1fb1e7

  3. https://cclaw.smu.edu.sg/

  4. Writing in Sign: Code as the Next Contract Language? ✍️ ⏭ 💻 · MIT Computational Law Report

Mark will reach out to his contacts working on L4 so that we can start a conversation.

 Action items
