2025-01-31 Meeting notes
Jan 31, 2025
@Elisa Kendall
@Mark Flood
@John Gemski
@Tahoe Blue
At the start of the call, we talked a little about the state of funding with respect to government contracts. Not clear what the impact on DARPA will be, but NSF is in limbo. Not clear with respect to FDIC potential funding, though they may have independent control over their budget given that they are more of an instrumentality like the Fed.
We also discussed a couple of the emails John sent this week with respect to open Jira issues mentioned in the last couple of weeks - Elisa will work on addressing those as time permits.
We also looked briefly at some of the counterparty requirements that are mentioned in the Huntington use case. We have many of the ones mentioned, though not all. It might be worth adding the notion of a regulation-based classification of the roles and/or legal entities that banks need to be able to report on, which could be a general concept that we specialize for certain jurisdictions, just as asset classes tend to be jurisdiction or data provider specific. We could potentially show how to develop controlled vocabularies and mappings based on regulations, for example, that could be very useful to FIBO users, and not necessarily US specific.
We also discussed augmenting our reference data with the OECD country risk vocabulary, since a number of banks have asked for that now.