2018-04-30 Meeting notes

2018-04-30 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.

6) For next week.


20180430 FIBO SEC FCT


FIBO Agenda at EDW FIBO Days




Walk through of concerns related to Equities raised in an email thread by Pete.


A number of typos were identified, and issues raised. 


A few cases of properties either ill-defined or defined in the wrong place. Issues raised.


Overall a number of issues raised; work to be done!


Pete and Elisa continue the perpetual argument about 5 class vs 3 class pattern. Elisa says that it is necessary for any instrument. 


ACTION: DWiz put this argument about 5 class vs 3 class as a requirement for ALL instruments  on the FLT agenda May 7th


ACTION: Richard Take more notes


Action items